“It takes leadership to improve safety.” These are the words of Sir Jackie Stewart, the Formula One Racing great and safety pioneer who used his leadership to make a big difference in a very dangerous sport.
These words apply to human services nonprofits as well. Such organizations face complex safety risks. They operate residential facilities, shelters, gymnasiums, pools, kitchens - the list goes on - and each venue presents unique challenges. Moreover, many nonprofits serve vulnerable populations, and virtually all operate under significant cash constraints. These factors increase and complicate the risk profile.
So, how can the nonprofit board improve safety? Here are five must-do steps:
Your leadership on the board can make your organization safer. Running safe programs is at the very heart of organizational effectiveness for nonprofits, which exist to help people not to put them in harm’s way. A strong safety framework, with active involvement by the board, will speak loudly to your employees, members, funders and the community about the integrity of your mission.
An experienced CEO and senior executive, Jim Keane serves as a consultant for mission-driven organizations. Learn more at www.KeaneAndCompany.com
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AuthorAn experienced CEO and senior executive, Jim Keane supports mission-driven organizations as Managing Partner of Keane and Company. ArchivesCategories |
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